Monday, October 5, 2009

The Turd - 1981 GMC Pickup

I have owned this pickup since it was about 6 months old. It moved us from Boise to Woodinville; It became our only family vehicle for a year and took the four of us to church on Sunday and to Boise to visit family. It took us on vacations to Lake Roosevelt; served both of my sons through their high-school driving years; takes me to the park n ride daily, and continues to serve as our "chore truck" hauling yard debris, etc.

The pickup became affectionately known by high schoolers as the Brown Turd... aka The Turd; and over time has become a relic in our little town of Woodinville, WA. It has been in the family for 28 years!

It is somewhat theraputec to lift the hood and work on that 292 straight six cylinder engine with a single barrel carburetor. I just don't know how I could ever come to sell that to someone - it just wouldn't seem right to betray the old Turd.

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