Monday, October 5, 2009

The Turd - 1981 GMC Pickup

I have owned this pickup since it was about 6 months old. It moved us from Boise to Woodinville; It became our only family vehicle for a year and took the four of us to church on Sunday and to Boise to visit family. It took us on vacations to Lake Roosevelt; served both of my sons through their high-school driving years; takes me to the park n ride daily, and continues to serve as our "chore truck" hauling yard debris, etc.

The pickup became affectionately known by high schoolers as the Brown Turd... aka The Turd; and over time has become a relic in our little town of Woodinville, WA. It has been in the family for 28 years!

It is somewhat theraputec to lift the hood and work on that 292 straight six cylinder engine with a single barrel carburetor. I just don't know how I could ever come to sell that to someone - it just wouldn't seem right to betray the old Turd.

Super Six Modified Auto Racing

This section summarizes the history of my open wheel auto racing career - from 1973 - 1982 at the Super Oval Speedway in Boise, Idaho. The experiences racing, building 2 cars, crashes and a couple of championships occurred at a formative time in life - and really shaped my personality and improved my self confidence.

I became quite involved with the sport; served as President of the Racing Association, and learned a lot about people. How ironic that mother always told me to stay away from that "Racing Crowd".... Racing involves a wide range of characters - Lawyers, truck drivers, accountants, and yes, even mechanics too.

Speaking of crashes - the economic crash in 1983 resulted in double-digit unemployment. I too became a casualty, making it necessary to move to Seattle for work - and thus "cutting the cord" from owning and driving race cars. I still loved the sport - but it was time for me to move on and focus on raising my young sons. The lessons and experiences from those racing years served me well in my career and personal life and I treasure them to this day.

I'll add some stories later about:
Dick Sola, Grandma Mason, other

Friday, October 2, 2009

About Mason Motor Co

Mason Motor Company was owned and operated by my Grandfather in Weiser, Idaho back in the early 1950's. It was the official Buick and GMC dealership in town. He and my Grandmother owned and operated a Shell Service Station on the property in downtown Weiser also. He also served as the Mayor of Weiser during this time. He and my folks have long since passed - and so I would like to learn more about the family and their role in the community.

Getting Started

Blogging seemed like a good way to document and share experiences and photos with friends and family. Experiences would include our recent 6 week boating trip to Princess Louisa Inlet and ports along the way. It could also be used to share photos with family and friends.